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Mainewoods Dance Camp
located at Camp Indian Acres in Fryeburg, Maine


What our campers say they like about Mainewoods:

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2025 Schedule

SESSION 1: August 17 - August 23

Anna Angelova - Bulgarian

Penny Brichta - Israeli

Željko Jergan - Croatian

International Folk Musicians - Lobster Quadrille

Plus, Scottish Country Dance with Patricia Williams

SESSION 2: August 24 - August 30

Efie Derksen and Hans Derksen - Bosnian

Sonia Dion and Cristian Florescu - Romanian

Joe Graziosi - Greek

International Folk Musicians - Pixton-Iverson Band

Plus, English Country Dance with John Bloom

New Scholarship for Teachers   

Mainewoods Dance Camp invites teachers to learn about introducing dance into their classes.

Thanks to the generosity of one of our donors, we are currently offering a full scholarship (plus some travel expenses if you live more than 250 miles away) to Mainewoods Dance Camp this coming August.

Click here for more information

Mainewoods Dance Camp Mission
It is the mission of Mainewoods Dance Camp to preserve and promote International Folk Dancing along with the rich customs and traditions of various countries from around the world. To that end we provide our campers with ethnic exposure to dance, food, song, music, costumes, shared traditions and more. We welcome dancers at all levels of experience, young and old, to join our summer dance community in a natural country setting, for a unique, warm and enriching experience.