
All accommodations are subject to availability.

Four per cabin:

On your registration form, you have the option to request 4 per cabin if it is available. This would result in a $100 per person discount off the 3 per cabin price if all four attend the session.

We can assign your cabinmate(s):

We are happy to assign your cabinmates. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that nobody will snore in their sleep, but we can give you earplugs. To facilitate cabinmate assignments, cabins will be restricted to men only or women only.

You can arrange your own cabinmate(s):

We try to honor cabinmate requests. You may have more than 4 in a cabin if you pre-arrange your cabinmates. Pre-arranged cabinmates must match on each form. If you pre-arrange cabinmates and cancellations bring the number in your cabin down, the cabin rate for the number who actually attend will apply.

Off-Site Accommodations:

For campers who prefer alternate or less rustic accommodations, Mainewoods has room for a limited number of campers who would like to arrange to stay off-site. Click HERE to view off-site accommodations in the area.

For those not driving to camp: A convenient and inexpensive option for travel to camp is taking a bus to Conway, NH, (only 20 minutes from camp). Current schedules and fares are available at the Greyhound website. Concord Coach Lines also has bus service to Conway from Boston and Manchester.

Transportation Recommendations:

Portland is over an hour drive each way, so we encourage non-driving campers to make Conway, NH their destination, rather than Portland if at all possible. Trips to Portland are quite time-consuming and take us away from the work that needs to be done at camp so we will only be able to make, at most, two trips a day. Those flying to Portland must schedule their flights to arrive by 3:00 PM on the day their session starts.

Mainewoods provides a pick-up/drop-off to camp from the Portland airport, Portland bus/rail station and Conway bus station. For any other arrangements, campers are welcome to use the Facebook page to connect with other campers. Suggested donation: Portland $30 each way, Conway $10 each way.

Another alternative is to fly into Manchester, NH, which often has very low airfares, and rent a car.

Start and End Times:

The Registration Desk opens at 3:30 PM on Sunday, at which time the cabins are available for occupancy. Camp begins with a welcoming reception at 6:00 PM followed by dinner and dancing. Camp ends after Saturday breakfast. You may stay and enjoy the facilities, but you must vacate your cabin by mid-morning on Saturday.

Saturday Stays: For those campers who are staying for consecutive sessions, there is no charge for the Saturday “bridge” day, but no lunch or dinner will be served.


The limited laundry facilities may only be used by campers staying for both sessions. Laundry may be done on the weekend between sessions once the camp's laundry is done.


Mainewoods can provide towels, sheets, pillows, and blankets (for a small fee) only for campers arriving by public transportation.


Regretfully pets are not allowed at camp, only service dogs.

Open map for location: