Support Mainewoods
Dance Camp

Mainewoods registration fees only cover a portion of camp expenses. We rely on our friends and campers to help us provide two weeks of excellent programs each summer.

There are two ways that you can support the camp:

Become a Member

In addition to supporting Mainewoods, membership comes with some significant benefits. Each member has a chance (two chances for a family membership) to win the values of a half price week at camp. In addition, there is a drawing for a tee shirt or item of comparable value. Membership fees are $25 for an individual and $45 for a family.

Make a Donation

Mainewoods Dance Camp welcomes donations of all sizes. We thank our previous donors and hope you will consider becoming one of them. Please note that membership is included in donations of over $250.

Click the button for membership/donation form

Mainewoods Dance Camp is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
All memberships and donations are fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.